Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Ready for 2013!

I am so excited to get the new year going! I really did over-eat too much during the holidays but continued to work out.  I know I'll shed the few pounds in no time!

2012 was an amazing year for me.  I feel like in 2011 I became a runner when I trained and completed my first half marathon, but in 2012 I really acknowledged that I was a runner! I accomplished 4 more half marathons and joined Central Florida Women's Runners.  They've helped me get stronger as a runner and building new friendships has helped me through a lot this year.  Today my wall shines with 13 medals of accomplishments ranging from 5k, 10k, 15k and half marathon distances. 

My goal for 2013 is obviously to continue to lose more weight.  I finally got into a size 10 jeans recently! I also want to continue to cut my half marathon time down.  I haven't cut it down that much, but I'm happy with baby steps.  I think once I get my half mary time down to 2:30 I'll feel better about convincing myself to do a full marathon.  I'm not rushing though.  I really enjoy 13 miles.  It feels just right.  10 miles is perfect for me.  It's comfortable, even miles and I don't feel dead.  Anything over 13 may feel like killer at first but I know once I'm done with school it'll come easier with more time on my hands.  Right now at my slow 11:40 pace, anything over 13 miles is looking kind of long.  Next year I will finally graduate from UCF! My favorite goal!!! And I plan on taking a vacation, a running one, to somewhere-  maybe Dominican Republic.  I can visit my family while there too. 

So, those are my goals! Graduate, cut half mary time down and lose more weight.  That's easy.  I'll start thinking about a Masters degree and a full marathon towards the end of next year.  I am really super excited.  I love my life now more than anything.  Being a runner is like I'm part of a whole new world.  Nothing hurts me as much anymore.  People don't bother me as much, unless they're affecting my work out time.  Family and their comments don't hit home so much because I know what I'm capable of.  Last night before going to my family Christmas Eve dinner, I was feeling weird about what I was wearing and told my husband I was worried my mom or sister might notice the extra 5 lbs of holiday weight I put on in my dress.  And Brett replied "You run half marathons, what have they done?"  I instantly felt great in my dress.  This year I went to school full time, ran over a dozen races, continued to work full time and maintained friendships and a marriage.  I'm pretty amazing. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday halfathon

Great weekend road trip to Madiera beach with Ann and Holly! Reached my new goal of 2:40:55!! Took 4 min off my last half in Miami. Next goal 2:38....baby steps I know. I had so much fun with the girls though besides the race. We checked out local bars, beach, shops and laughed a lot! Can't wait for the next road trip.