Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Ready for 2013!

I am so excited to get the new year going! I really did over-eat too much during the holidays but continued to work out.  I know I'll shed the few pounds in no time!

2012 was an amazing year for me.  I feel like in 2011 I became a runner when I trained and completed my first half marathon, but in 2012 I really acknowledged that I was a runner! I accomplished 4 more half marathons and joined Central Florida Women's Runners.  They've helped me get stronger as a runner and building new friendships has helped me through a lot this year.  Today my wall shines with 13 medals of accomplishments ranging from 5k, 10k, 15k and half marathon distances. 

My goal for 2013 is obviously to continue to lose more weight.  I finally got into a size 10 jeans recently! I also want to continue to cut my half marathon time down.  I haven't cut it down that much, but I'm happy with baby steps.  I think once I get my half mary time down to 2:30 I'll feel better about convincing myself to do a full marathon.  I'm not rushing though.  I really enjoy 13 miles.  It feels just right.  10 miles is perfect for me.  It's comfortable, even miles and I don't feel dead.  Anything over 13 may feel like killer at first but I know once I'm done with school it'll come easier with more time on my hands.  Right now at my slow 11:40 pace, anything over 13 miles is looking kind of long.  Next year I will finally graduate from UCF! My favorite goal!!! And I plan on taking a vacation, a running one, to somewhere-  maybe Dominican Republic.  I can visit my family while there too. 

So, those are my goals! Graduate, cut half mary time down and lose more weight.  That's easy.  I'll start thinking about a Masters degree and a full marathon towards the end of next year.  I am really super excited.  I love my life now more than anything.  Being a runner is like I'm part of a whole new world.  Nothing hurts me as much anymore.  People don't bother me as much, unless they're affecting my work out time.  Family and their comments don't hit home so much because I know what I'm capable of.  Last night before going to my family Christmas Eve dinner, I was feeling weird about what I was wearing and told my husband I was worried my mom or sister might notice the extra 5 lbs of holiday weight I put on in my dress.  And Brett replied "You run half marathons, what have they done?"  I instantly felt great in my dress.  This year I went to school full time, ran over a dozen races, continued to work full time and maintained friendships and a marriage.  I'm pretty amazing. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday halfathon

Great weekend road trip to Madiera beach with Ann and Holly! Reached my new goal of 2:40:55!! Took 4 min off my last half in Miami. Next goal 2:38....baby steps I know. I had so much fun with the girls though besides the race. We checked out local bars, beach, shops and laughed a lot! Can't wait for the next road trip.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Latin Music Miami Half Marathon

Last Sunday, 11/19 Lisa and I took on the Miami Latin Music Half marathon.  I thought this was going to be the half  I never did since Wednesday before the half I was diagnosed with strep by my doctor.  My fever was 102.5 and I hit the bed and thought I'd never get back up.  I was so scared and upset that all my running and training was going to be undone with my new found sickness.  My sister Lisa from CA arrived Thursday afternoon and I had already started my prescription Wed. so was actually feeling better since my fever broke.  Thursday night I actually drank a Hot toddie  and that made me feel a lot better.  I kept gargling salt water and hydrogen peroxide and mouthwash, drinking  orange juice and taking tylenol every few hours.  Friday I actually felt much better, still weak, but went back to work and pushed out a whole day of a lot of reports and work.

Saturday morning I woke up amazed at how great I felt just 3 days after getting strep.  The last time I had run was Tuesday so I wasn't expecting anything amazing to happen Sunday.  We drove to South Florida Saturday morning and had a great time in Fort Lauderdale beach, at the Expo and on South Beach.  We tried to get to bed by 10 p.m. but the hotel we were at was loud and a lot of party people were apparently staying there.  I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and just decided to get ready.  It was a bad night.  I was still taking my antibiotics so I know that didn't help with the grogginess. 

We got to race  site on Lummus Park around 6:15 a.m. and race was at 6:45.  Then we had to wait in line for the porto potty and that took forever.  We heard them sing the National Anthem and begin the corrals and we were still in line.  So, instead of starting in Corral 9 we were like in 12 but that was okay.  We were excited, had our water ready to go and a lot of the photographers were already taking pics of us so that made us laugh because we felt like a hot mess already. 

The course was pretty intense, definitely a fun one.  We went up a lot of bridges, taking on the 95, A1A, US1.  So, our plan quickly changed from doing 3/1 intervals to just walking up the bridges and  running down them.  I was concerned about Lisa because she had mostly trained on the treadmill and was having knee pain so we took it easy.  I felt pretty good, was breathing great and felt like I never had Strep just 3 days before.  I remember looking down at my watch around mile 5.5 and feeling like I was just getting started.  We had already gone up two inclines and were keeping a pace of 12:02 which was my goal.  Lisa started fading around mile 8-9.  It was getting really hot, the temperature must have been up to 77 already and although the reflection of the water all around us was beautiful it was causing some heat! She also didn't want to take any Gu or electrolytes and she hates gatorade.  Doing this race just with water was not a good idea.  I kept eating my Gu and drinking water, then gatorade.  Around mile 11 we found ourselves going up again and Lisa got calf cramps and her knees were hurting so we stopped at the beginning of thee highway to stretch and catch our breath and take a picture.  It was just absolutely beautiful and I felt better than ever.  I saw our pace getting slower but I was okay with that.  I was happy to be there and with my sister running in Miami Beach!  I then noticed the 2:45 pacer guy pass us and I was not happy about that. I didn't want to do worse than my last half marathon time in St. Petersburg.  I tried to get Lisa to do intervals with me as quickly as we could but she was just not having it and told me to go ahead.  I was so worried but I knew we only had about a mile left.  So, I ran on and caught up with him and ran together.  I kept looking back and knew that I'd really have to start running my own race someday to be able to see what I'm capable of.  Either way I know I'm comfortable between 12:15 - 12:30 so I wasn't going to do anything remarkable.  I know had we not stopped so many times we could have kept up with our 12:05 pace, but I was just happy to finish and Lisa finished soon after me.  Another great memory and good workout with my sister that I will never forget. 

I finished in 2:44:41 according to the chip time. 
My watch displayed the following:

Time: 2:44:46
Moving Time: 2:38:39
Elapsed Time: 2:44:46
Avg Pace: 12:30 min/mi
Avg Moving Pace: 12:03 min/mi
Best Pace: 5:10 min/mi

My St. Pete Half time in Feb. was 2:46:28 so not to much of a difference.  I had run the St. Pete with Cristy. 

My next race is 12/8 and I'm going to see what I'm capable of on my own.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Great Floridian 15k

Change of events usually don't end up good for me, but today it was totally in my favor.  I had seen this Dr. that had told me I was a LASIK eye candidate about a month ago.  We scheduled a follow up 2 weeks ago and I was told my eyes were too dry and to wait 2 more week for the surgery.  I went back last Thursday pending surgery Friday and Doc says I'm not a Lasik candidate, that instead he can do PRK on me.  I said NO THANKS! The recovery would take 6-8 weeks and it's more painful because instead of just opening up your cornea flap like LASIK, he would make an incision from my cornea through to my retina.  I wasn't ready for that, especially Friday.  Plus I wouldn't be able to run for a few weeks and that would just mess with my half marathon training.  So, needless to say I was super bummed! I had already taken a few sick hours at work to cover these 3 appointments and have been out of my contacts for a month dealing with my ugly glasses.  But I'm glad the Doc didn't proceed with LASIK and make me blind.  So, to feel better I woke up this morning and met up with my runner friend Shannon and headed to Clermont for the Floridian 15k and Triathlon events.  I paid the $45 and signed up around 8:45 a.m for the 15k.  I was able to see Kitzzy, former FL runner friend now living in CA.  She ran the 15k as well and her boyfriend was doing the Tri.  Amazing athletes both of them.  3 of my girls from CFWR were also there for the 15k.  Deb, Kristen S., and Emily.  We had such a good time pre and post race.  I never thought I'd find such great people in my adult life.  Everyone says it's difficult to meet good friends, but with this group it's been so easy.  I guess because we're all obsessed with the same thing and our social life is running.  I think this 15k had like 40 participants and the course had been changed last minute.  Us city girl runners were laughing.  No one new where the starting line was and could direct us. This was Clermont and everyone was interested in the Tri going on.  I started the 15k on my own and ended up running at least 6.5 miles of it with Deb.  Her husband Pual had gone on ahead of us and the speedsters Kristen and Emily went way ahead! During the first mile I saw a lady cramp up bad and looked like she was having a panic attack.  She was a little heavy set like me and I stopped briefly but the medics were running with us and took her back.  Deb gave her one of her water bottles which was so nice.  We kept going.  Then it got good.  The hills were pretty serious, at least 3 of them were worthy of making my butt go numb.  But I loved flying down the hills.  Deb was staying with me and we were working 2:1 intervals pretty well.  I had to stop at every water and gatorade station because my mouth was so dry.  The headwind when the course turned around was ridiculous.  I just kept laughing and listening to music.  I felt really good around mile 7 and new we only had 2 miles left.  I wanted to push on and Deb wasn't feeling too great. She's had problems with her achilles and put in a lot of running miles already this week.  She told me to go ahead but I stayed with her and broke away after meeting a nice dirt trail we had to go on around mile 7.5.  I was like "what else?" I knew when I looked at my watch I would be doing better than Miracle Miles race and was happy with that thought especially because MM was a flat course and no wind or hills.  I really enjoyed the dirt trail and the hills during this race and the fact that I had my ipod working properly and Deb to chat with most of the way made a huge difference.  She's very positive and motivating.  when I saw the finish line I was so happy.  The girls were waiting and Shannon with her pro camera and I saw Kitzzy waiting for her medal.  I couldn't have been happier.  What a great race. You just have those days when your legs just go for you and your mind is convinced you're going to end up great.  My finishing time was 1:51:58 so I kept a 12:01 pace!!! I'd love to keep that pace for a half mary.  My MM pace was 12:37 so I was happy to scratch that race!  My friend Kristen won 3rd place for overall female.  So we all were just sitting around camp ground style eating snacks and celebrating what a wonderful day it was.  We got luck for a late race (started at 10:30 a.m.) we had some cooler weather.  Around 75 when we started I believe.  I got to see Kitzy's boyfriend Jason fly by on his bike during his 100 mile bike ride portion and snapped a pic.  It's so nice to watch all these great athletes, very motivating indeed.  So, best last minute $45 shopping binge ever! 

Here we are! I'm in the bright greeen! 

Here's the ridiculous bling I love!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

UCF (U Can Finish) Distance Dare

I met up with my running group for a quick group pic and well wishes and then went on to do the 5 miles with my friend Cristy. Let me just say that this girl is remarkable! Had knee surgery not even 3 months ago and did the 2:1 intervals like a champ! I felt very comfortable and easy running this pace and was so worried about her but she kept saying she felt great! The course through the campus was nice. Not much entertainment or crowds cheering but I had my iPod working properly this time and a good conversation going with Cris. We finished the 5 mile with a 12:23 pace and chip time of 1:01:57. Way better than I thought. We had stopped to say hi to her husband and kids along the course and take a pic. So when I checked my watch I was sure I'd see 1:15 on there lol The 2 mile distance dare we walked a lot of it...part of it with our friend Kristian and Cristy's husband and two kids. We finished the 2 miles in 31:50. Had a blast watching the kids race and afterwards we went to Keke's. I really love my best friends Cristy and Kristian. I don't think I could ever laugh harder or have a better time with anyone else.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Miracle Miles 15k

What amazing race this was! Miracle Miles was so organized and they had great vendors out there, a wonderful course, and fun cheering neighbors! Running through downtown Orlando makes me remember why I love my city so much.  The more involved I get with Central FL Women's Runners, the happier I've become with running and my motivation has gone way up! I'm glad to be able to surround myself with such great women and have become friends with some of them.  I got involved with them at a perfect time in my life.  I was ridding my circle of negativity and I'm still working on myself and building good friendships. 

For this race, I got there super early so we could take group pictures with our new matching shirts, which I love.  They have our logo on the back and our names on the front so I heard someone actually call out and cheer for me from the sidelines!  When we first went out running, I ignored my intervals but then started with 2:1 run/walk intervals.  I felt good but super sweaty already at mile 2 and then my iPhone stopped working.  The arm band was just soaked.  I took it out and messed with it to get it on but every time I put it back in the arm band, no music.  Running the next 7 miles without music wasn't what I had planned and definitely made me reach from within my imagination by mile 6.  I talked to a few people around me and said thank you to as many officers and volunteers as I could.  I was trying to take it slow and not over do myself because I know I increased miles quickly to get to do this 9.3 today.  I just kept checking with myself and for some reason I just didn't feel like pushing myself today. I was happy strolling along.  I have a 10 mile race coming up after my eye surgery in October and really want to push there.  The weather should be cooler and it's in Naples and I LOVE out of town races.  My parents will be there too so I hope to make them proud.

So official 15K time was 1:57:42.  Pace was 12:37 which is about what I stay around for longer distances anyway.  I would have liked to have finished in 1:55 something which was my goal but I can now look back and see where I could have improved and that's what matters....and I had a blast!

Final group picture when we were all sweaty, missing a few girls but I LOVE this bunch!

 Here is when I finished! So nice to have friends waiting at the finish line for me :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Upcoming races!!!

If I look tired it’s because I’m a full time student, worker, wife, and runner. These are the races on my docket:

9/22/12 Miracle Miles 15k
10/13/12 UCF 7 miler
10/20/12 Rocktoberfest 10 miler
11/18/12 RnR Miami Half Marathon
12/8/12 Florida Holiday Half Marathon
1/12/13 Disney Half Marathon
2/17/13 Breast Cancer Marathon
3/17/13 Sarasota Half Marathon

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The cure of laughing and running

I felt under the weather most of this week and a lot going on with changes in my company and school starting. Friday night I went out with my friends to celebrate a best friend's birthday. We went to a Greek place that was fabulous and then the Improv to laugh the night away at Simmore. She was so funny that I laughed so much I know I woke up with more wrinkles. That night was very much needed. This morning I woke up and knew I was running without my girls because they were doing some mud race. My goal was to do 5 miles. I felt so good getting around the lake the first 2.5 miles. I had so much time to reflect on my week and recall the funny moments from Friday evening. Their were so many groups out running and biking. I saw team in training and team challenge groups. I also saw a few of the girls from CFWR and we said hi and cheered each other on in passing. So it wasn't a completely alone run. I kept run/walk intervals 3/1 and only felt a little tired after 4 miles. I know it's mostly anxiety. I took my one minute break to focus on how I felt when I first got to the lake in the morning. How peaceful, non sweaty and excited I felt. I mentally put myself back there and finished pretty strong. I could've gone for 6. I love running so much and how it has opened up my mind and helped me gain a more sense of control and responsibility for my life. I split my runs into quarter miles of thoughts. And my last quarter mile I was looking towards the future. I know I'm on the right path now and am already thinking of a masters program and focusing on doing what I love for a very long time. Laughing and running cleared up my week.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Well into the Summer

I've changed my blog name, so maybe that will make me post more?  I'm not sure on that.  Things have gone so fantastic for me in 2012.  The more I run and become comfortable as I lose more weight, I feel that I am better at everything else.  Key word: FEEL

Well, let's analyze this.
Today I ran a 5k at a full capacity race in the rain at 33:37.  It's a turtle pace of around 10:49 but works for me! Much better than when I started 2 years ago and finished in 45:something.

Recently I lost about 10 more lbs in a few weeks.  I feel I have the working out every day down with either running, zumba, or spin but have finally stayed consistent with weight training and EATING BETTER.  I finally listened to my husband, which has lost 55 lbs by the way in a year.  So we eat mostly lean protein, veggies or anything that's green and can be chewed that hasn't been brought in by my dog.  Low sugar, no bad carbs, a lot of protein powder, protein bars and nuts.  Like my man says if it doesn't grow or die, don't eat it.  Goodbye processed food and french fries.  The first week I felt like crying, but now, a month later I feel great! I have more energy and my skin is better and who cares about all that! I lost 10 lbs!!! 

Another remarkable thing since I've become so organized with my eating and working out, are my grades!  I ended up getting A's this summer even with all the family visits, working full time and working out part time! Sorry to honk my own horn- but BEEP BEEP!  I have two more semesters to go and I will finally have my B.S. and am already looking towards master's programs.  I would like to say thank you to the Summer Olympics organizers for picking the dates at the end of my summer school semesters or I would have surely failed.  I fell in love with our Olympians this year.  So much so that I am making a collage online of all my favorites but I only have like 5 minutes a day to work on that, so it'll be a while before anyone else can enjoy it.

At work, I'm good, but that's always.  I've been blessed with an amazing supportive boss that does not ask me to leave her office when I decide to go on about my running group or training and weight loss.  She even participated in the 5k with her boyfriend today and I was so happy to see her out there!  Besides my supportive family, I have found great encouragement with a group in Orlando called Central Florida Women's Runners.  I'm so glad I joined this group I found on Meetup.com  We meet up a few days a week and pair up and run together and stay to catch up over coffee after. They also meetup for fun non-running related events but school has kept me from most of those.  Every time I go I am able to meet a new runner and share ideas and hear how they've became the runner they are in it's so nice.  I get to be in a group with common interests, no judging and just great conversation.

coming up for me this fall/winter I have the Latin Music 1/2 in November, the Holiday 1/2 in December near Tampa somewhere, the Disney 1/2 in January.  February-April I have too many I want to do but will wait to announce the certainty of them later.

Okay- I've gone on too long- that's why I need to blog more often to not shove all this at once.

Pic from Track Shacks 35th anniversary Celebration of Running 5k below- Enjoy!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Orange Blossom 1/2 Marathon

My half marathon #3.  The medal is very cool. 
On the way to Tavares for this half Shannon and I were freaking out becuase it was pouring rain.  I almost pulled over but it subsided.  We got there and it was overcast and temperatures had chilled to 50s.  I just put on my gloves and hat and was ready to go. 

I did really good the first 6  miles but the wind was getting stronger towards the end.  The course was weird.  Not that I've done that many but I've previewed a lot.  It was like the 5k loop we did twice and then the remainder miles made up another loop we did twice.  So we saw a lot of houses and the  lake and the same runners passing.  It was nice to meet Kitzy from Daily mile and her awesome blog "See Kitzy Run". 

I didn't like that the street was at a slant.  I was trying to stay in the center to avoid any additional foot pain. 

Around mile 6 a branch came flying down at me, I thought that was hilarious for some reason but the few around me asked if I was okay.  I saw a guy in a wheel chair and I pushed him for a bit and chatted with him and his friend that was running beside him. 

Around mile 10 was when I felt the winds were laughing at us, they were pushy and I felt really alone.  Their was only a few hundred runners and my toes started to cramp.  It was so weird but I tried to not focus on it so that I could keep going.  I drank my water, gaterade, ate my gu and just wanted the course to be over with. 

I know I could've probably done better but I hadn't really ran too much after the St. Pete half 3 weeks ago.  I had some heel pain I was working on getting over.  I didn't want to overdue this race and be too tired for work tomorrow either.  It was just one of those races for me to think about a lot of things.  13.1 miles worth of a lot of things.  I had my grandmother on my mind.  She's been sick in the Dominican Republic and I pray she makes it to her 90th birthday.  I really want to make it out to see her. 

Sometimes we get too caught up in getting our next PR and next destination races, or what we're going to wear and it's always good to remind yourself, there are other things that matter too and are important.  My next race is the Winter Park 10k March 24.  I'm glad it's a 10k.  I really want to hunker down and get some weight off and train more effectively before my next half.  I'm looking forward to starting a new training with my partner Cristy.  We want to get to 2:30 PR. 

We're signed up for the RnR Latin Miami half marathon but that's in November, so before then, I'll have to find a few more.  I was thinking of an out of town one for June and then NY RnR 10k in October with my dad.  That way we can visit our family up there too. 

So my finishing time for today: 2:47:09
St. Pete 3 weeks ago time was: 2:46:28

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

St. Pete RnR 1/2 Marathon 2/12/12

My best friend Cristy and I followed Jenny Hadfield and John Bingham’s book, “Marathoning for Mortals” training program.  It was 14 weeks and we ran through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve.  That already makes us awesome in my book.  What’s more awesome is that Cris just had a baby 5 months ago. That certifies her, a trooper. 
I became a fan of the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon series after my first half in L.A. last October. The St. Petersburg Inaugural half marathon was Sunday, Feb. 12th and it felt like 30 degrees outside that morning.  No joke.  The wind was pretty piercing and did not care that it was pushing against us trying to ruin our PR goal.  They had about 7,000 runners and maybe because it was cold, not that many spectators.  When we ran past the official spectator party bar area, I saw like 5 people out there.  Fortunately Cris and I have our own inner motivation and moving playlists that got us through the 13.1.  They did have bands every few miles, some were good and some were awful, but they were out there in the cold none the less.   The cheerleaders and other groups out there were very nice to hear as they cheered us on as well. 
The course offered nothing too interesting until about 6 miles.  We went through several beautiful parks and through the downtown area sites like the Dali Museum, and my favorite was running around the St. Petersburg Pier.  The wind was vicious on one side of the pier but calm coming around the other side towards mile 9.  Then it was really beautiful because we could see the water and the sun had finally come out to warm us up.  I really appreciate and love my Garmin watch now.  I was able to keep our pace and make sure that we were on target.  Our goal was to finish in 2:45 doing run/walk intervals, alternating 3 minute run/ 2 minute walk.  I think it was around mile 10 that I got the worse cramp in my right side.  I held on to it, tried to breathe, drank some water and ate the rest of my Gu and it finally went away.  I remember thinking that we were doing so well and I didn’t want to ruin it for us and kept pushing on. 
Around mile 12 we saw our best friend Kristian!  That was really nice and he looked so cold, but proud of us!  Towards the end Cristy’s husband, Fabian took some video of us and my husband Brett snapped a picture of us running towards the finish line.  It was very rewarding for me when John Bingham himself announced our names as we approached the finish.  He said “Here we have Cris Rida and Liz Rida, the backup girls for Flo Rida!”  Our shirts were definitely a hit that day.  I can’t remember the number of runners that told us they loved the back of our shirts as they ran passed us.  But Cristy had ironed on those nick names for us and it made for an interesting topic.  Flo Rida was the headlining act after all, so it made sense. 
Crossing that finish line with my best friend was priceless.  We’ve known each other for over 16 years and all those long runs on Saturdays led us together to this finish line.  That was really just the beginning of so many things for us.  We ran to catch Flo Rida and danced and snapped pictures and he was even carried through the audience right to us.  Kristian, Brett and Fabian kept snapping pictures and our smiles were pretty permanent.  Let’s just say my face hurt more than my legs or any other muscle.  We finished in 2:46:28.  I’m proud.  For my 2nd half marathon, I’ll take it.  My first one I finished in 2:51:43.  This is better.  We rocked.