Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lake Minneola Half 4/20/13

This half (my 10th) was MY best half so far! I was very happy of the news Friday night that they caught the 2nd bomber of the Boston Marathon. I had been glued to the news all week! I went into this half knowing it may be my last until Oct/Nov and also knowing that whenever I wanted to give up I'd think about all those injured or killed in Boston. Mind over matter and it worked. The course had a little few small hills but I did my best up them and trotted carefully down them. I didn't keep intervals just ran and only took breaks for water or when I really needed to. Also I stopped to check on one my running friends that had her knees hurting really bad. I felt bad leaving her but I've never ran my own race. I also stopped two more times to help a lady throwing up and another girl that said she was having knee pain as well. I did my best can see how me saying to other HF, messing with my iPod and helping others could've saved me a few extra minutes but I still did great! Chateau came back after completing the half and ran my last 2 miles with me. She's great! Kept me from stopping and pushed through the end. She's been sending me speed training advice and it seems to have worked! 2:30:10 was my time! Finally! That had been my goal for Sarasota but I was just having too much fun there. Every half I can see where I can improve. I'm starting to understand my mental capacity, my splits better, my energy level and I can block out how I think my body is feeling if I start to make excuses. It was brilliant! I was just so happy! I'm almost convinced now to train for a full. Almost! The weather was great too..overcast, a little windy, low 70 at best.

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